First this space is a safe zone. No Blame, No Shame, No Guilt!
You've already done half the work, you are here, so I know you are determined to change!
Next step is to contact me. I will send you my intake forms, we schedule a phone call, and if you are committed to making a change and feel comfortable and at ease with me, we set up a session. We will earmark about 2 hours for the session. ( it may only take 1 session or up to 3 sessions )The session begins with a continued conversation, where we discover what you ultimately want from the session and how you perceive your life without the issue.
We begin the hypnosis session and you will be fully aware and in control the whole time. You will never do or say anything in hypnosis that you would not feel comfortable doing or saying out of hypnosis. Together we work to relax you, then gently hone in to where your core limiting belief was born, and then we review it, release it and replace it with positive images, and ideas. It's not all trauma, sometimes it's the slightest off-handed remark that hurts us as children, and we carry it from then on as truth. Now as an adult, you can take control of the issue that was created in the mind of your child self and you understand it's no longer valid in your life. I then guide you to release it through the transformation which I record for you, and you must listen to it daily for a prescribed time. This is the work YOU do! 15 mins a day will reinforce your newfound positive beliefs and objectives, by repetition. Just like breaking a bad habit takes a few weeks, it takes several weeks to adopt a new positive one. If you have time to watch TV, or read a book, you have time to improve your life with 15 mins a day for a few weeks. After the session you will awaken relaxed, almost like you have had the deepest most restful sleep, yet you have been aware the whole time. I will follow up in a few days, and then in the following weeks to hear about your progress and we can decide if you require additional sessions.
We begin the hypnosis session and you will be fully aware and in control the whole time. You will never do or say anything in hypnosis that you would not feel comfortable doing or saying out of hypnosis. Together we work to relax you, then gently hone in to where your core limiting belief was born, and then we review it, release it and replace it with positive images, and ideas. It's not all trauma, sometimes it's the slightest off-handed remark that hurts us as children, and we carry it from then on as truth. Now as an adult, you can take control of the issue that was created in the mind of your child self and you understand it's no longer valid in your life. I then guide you to release it through the transformation which I record for you, and you must listen to it daily for a prescribed time. This is the work YOU do! 15 mins a day will reinforce your newfound positive beliefs and objectives, by repetition. Just like breaking a bad habit takes a few weeks, it takes several weeks to adopt a new positive one. If you have time to watch TV, or read a book, you have time to improve your life with 15 mins a day for a few weeks. After the session you will awaken relaxed, almost like you have had the deepest most restful sleep, yet you have been aware the whole time. I will follow up in a few days, and then in the following weeks to hear about your progress and we can decide if you require additional sessions.